Safety in mind: We understand that you want your dog to be safe whilst they are at school! We take your dogs safety very seriously!
All play areas have rubber safety flooring to minimise shock and impact on the dogs joints, and protecting their paw pads when playing and running. All play areas and walk ways are double or triple gated for security and all external doors to the play centre remained locked during the day, so you can be sure that your furbaby is safe and secure whilst at daycare! There is full CCTV throughout the centre.
Dedicated Team: Our team is highly qualified and has many years of experience behind them, and we also have an Ex-Vet and Ex-Vet care assistant on the team. Every team member is Canine First Aid quaified and other qualifications held by team members include: dog training, professional daycare operator level 3 (in line with higher level DEFRA Animal Activities Licensing requirements), animal management, canine law, dog care, canine behaviour, puppy development, canine nutrition, animal care...and many more.